COBURWAS International Youth Organization to Transform Africa (CIYOTA) is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization that was established by refugee youth in December 2005 in Kyangwali refugee settlement, Uganda.
The founders arrived in Kyangwali from Congo (DRC), Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda and Sudan (CO-BU-RWA-S) along with thousands of refugees fleeing violence and problems resulting from conflicts in their home countries. What began as an inclusive youth-led club set to protect and improve the lives of the most vulnerable in their midst, CIYOTA has now become a source and model of educational excellence, not just for conflict-affected African refugees but also for local Ugandans.
CIYOTA recognizes the power of education as a pathway out of poverty, as well as a means to heal conflict, create social cohesion, and spur economic growth. Education for children through methods that also build corresponding commitment and support of families, and the community is therefore the focus of CIYOTA’s work. In all projects, adults are in direct contact with children.