The HALI Indaba is an annual gathering of non-profit organizations and schools united in one mission: to support high-achieving, low-income students from across Africa in their search for a quality tertiary education. The Indabas have brought HALI organizations, admissions officers, and relevant stakeholders together to share our experiences, our strategies, and our stories. The Indabas provide a strategic opportunity for professional development, building connections and a space for HALI members …
Continue ReadingThe HALI Indaba 2025 will be held in Kenya! It will be a time to connect, share ideas, and work together to improve education access for African students.
Continue ReadingThe 2024 HALI Indaba, held in Rwanda from September 9–12, brought together 75 advocates for higher education access, including representatives from 39 organizations across 16 African countries and 22 universities. With the theme Global Learners, Local Leaders, the event emphasized leveraging global experiences to drive local impact. A University Fair at Green Hills Academy attracted over 400 students, connecting them with university representatives and Friends of HALI. A highlight was …
Continue ReadingThe 2023 Indaba brought together 75 advocates of higher education access in Lusaka, Zambia. This annual gathering welcomed over 20 Friends of HALI and 50 representatives from HALI member organizations, representing more than 25 nationalities. The focus was on expanding access to higher education for high-achieving, low-income African students. Through discussions and activities centered around the theme “Building an Impactful Network,” participants explored how to better support HALI students, particularly …
Continue ReadingThe 2022 Indaba, held in Nairobi, Kenya, was our largest gathering so far and the first in-person gathering since the Covid-19 pandemic. 68 people attended, including 52 representatives of Member organizations and 16 Friends of HALI. The gathering explored the 2022 theme, “Building Home Through Education,” through a plenary alumni panel, education sessions, a challenge carousel that allowed a few members to crowdsource solutions to challenges they experience at work, …
Continue ReadingThe 2021 Indaba was the second virtual edition of the gathering.
Continue ReadingOut of concern for global public health and travel restrictions, HALI transitioned to a virtual Indaba in 2020.
Continue ReadingThe 2019 Indaba took place in Ghana at Aqua Safari with over 50 participants including university representatives from the Continent, North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Salia Daud of Nolbed assumed his role as Chair for the 2019-20 season with Efua Adabie of African Science Academy elected as Chair-Elect. The theme from “Success to Support” inspired the dialogue on how best to support our students from conflict regions, mental …
Continue ReadingThe 2018 Indaba took place at Lake Elementaita and was a larger event with nearly 50 participants including 12 university representatives. Laura Kaub assumed her role as Chair for the 2018-19 season with Salia Daub of Nolbed elected as Chair-Elect. You can read more about the 2018 Indaba in blogs written by Pestalozzi and Open Dreams.
Continue ReadingThe 2017 HALI Indaba, hosted by Bridge2Rwanda and sponsored by the MasterCard Foundation, took place at the Moriah Hill Resort on Lake Kivu from 24-27 April 2017. The theme “From Access to Success” moved the conversation forward from accessing higher education for HALI students to supporting them to succeed. At the 2017 Indaba, the members solidified the governance structures of the association, forming Communications, Membership, Advocacy, Ethics, and Indaba Planning …
Continue ReadingThe 2016 gathering, which took place in April at Chengeta Lodge in Zimbabwe, was sponsored by the Higher Life Foundation and provided an opportunity for participants to learn from each other in areas that include standardized testing prep, ethics and discussion of actual case studies, pre-departure orientation, follow through during the degree, program selection processes and more.
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